Specializing in Harlequin, Mantle, Merle, and Black.
Service dogs, Therapy dogs, and Glorified couch potatoes!
Specializing in Harlequin, Mantle, Merle, and Black.
Service dogs, Therapy dogs, and Glorified couch potatoes!
Website being updated as fast as possible. if you have any questions or would like to see additional photos or information
on our dogs please text or call me.
For easier viewing, while on some phones, switch to desktop viewing by clicking button on bottom of page.
on our dogs please text or call me.
For easier viewing, while on some phones, switch to desktop viewing by clicking button on bottom of page.
10/11/2024 It does not look like Miss Calypso took so sadly no babies from her, however we do plan to breed Miss Lady around the end of the year!
Below you will find links (you can click on them) to my phone number, puppy application, purchasing information, and Anita's page.
(352) 665-3047
10/11/2024 It does not look like Miss Calypso took so sadly no babies from her, however we do plan to breed Miss Lady around the end of the year!
Below you will find links (you can click on them) to my phone number, puppy application, purchasing information, and Anita's page.
(352) 665-3047

Your Cuddly Companions, also known as Y.C.C Danes, is located in North Central Florida. My husband, Casey, and I started out early in life as animal people. Both of our families owned multiple pets, in my case, Champion Dobermans and Persians that my grandmother bred for years.
Back in 2008 I got my first Dane, that's when I knew I had found my calling. I wanted to become a Great Dane breeder. I wanted to share the Dane experience with others and help others learn how to properly care for this wonderful breed and other animals as well. I wanted to help shut down those who did not care about their pets, only their dollar signs. So I started out on my journey to research all I could before I began. I knew I wasn't ready with Harley so she was fixed. May 18th, 2010 *Harley's 2nd birthday* I met the love of my life, Casey Miller.
Back in 2008 I got my first Dane, that's when I knew I had found my calling. I wanted to become a Great Dane breeder. I wanted to share the Dane experience with others and help others learn how to properly care for this wonderful breed and other animals as well. I wanted to help shut down those who did not care about their pets, only their dollar signs. So I started out on my journey to research all I could before I began. I knew I wasn't ready with Harley so she was fixed. May 18th, 2010 *Harley's 2nd birthday* I met the love of my life, Casey Miller.
He was everything I wanted, with the exception that he wasn't the biggest fan of cats. He was not used to them and was not to sure about their claws. Shortly after we met we found an abandoned kitten on the side of the highway. She was this beautiful cream colored kitten. He fell in love and named her Creamsicle kitty! He now loves them just as much a me! Once we moved in together we got our second dane, Momma Mini, then for Christmas we got our first Sphynx, SOPHIE!!!
After that it was all over. We knew our two breeds and we were ready to share that love with others by providing healthy, happy babies for you and your family!
Unfortunately as of 2015 we have decided to slow down on the Sphynx so we can focus on the Danes. To better our lines and continue striving for the best; we found puppies from absolutely amazing breeders all around the world. Thank you all for entrusting us with your babies! |
The super well known Barkley came to us from Russia. That cute, little, tiny puppy became the Biggest love bug ever. When that boy wants love he plops himself on us and smothers us in kisses. Miss Rebarka I will never be able to say enough about her. She has traveled all over the US with us and made many friends and fans along the way. She was truly meant to be in my life. In 2016 I was rolled in my SUV, thank the Lord I did not have any pets with me. That Accident changed my life. I went on a search for new puppies to add to our lines and this time I had a new mission, I wanted to get into service dogs. Being unable to walk myself at the time it seemed right. Insert getting Barkley and Rebarka. He was supposed to be my service dog and she was for my husband. THEY HAD OTHER PLANS!
We have Lady, Rocco( who actually is a baby that needed to come back to us and man oh man is he great!! Sometimes I need to use google translate to talk to him as he is Bilingual and I am definitely jealous of that!!), Juan and Verspoce. My hope is to find the perfect stud for Verspoce and make some like Rebarka again. My heart could not be happier to see our fur kids helping people the way they have me and with Rebarka being almost 11 its time for her to train the next mini Rebarka. fingers crossed!! I know either way these dogs and future puppies will grow up to be amazing dogs, do great things, and bring so much love into their families homes! A house isnt a home without dirty dog nose prints and sandy paws.
Barkley took to my husband and my sweet Rebarka, she took to me. As she grew I began learning to walk again. She was there for ALL of it, would not leave my side. That Girl helped me more than you could ever know!! As time went on she had 2 litters and puppies from each litter went on to be service and therapy dogs as well. Her daughter Anita had some amazing babies, some of which we kept to see what greatness they will add to the lines and family.
Our kiddos are all raised in home with us on the farm. They even have their own room bigger than ours! We are visited by our family often and have chickens, rabbits, fish and reptiles, Cows across the street, and plans to add more! They are not just our pets/breeders/show/service animals, they are our family. We view them as our children and love sharing the joy of owning one with other happy families! For more information on adopting one of our babies or the health guarantee please view the info pages!
Thank you for taking the time to view our page and read about our family!
Thank you for taking the time to view our page and read about our family!
We do occasionally take in/help rehome Great Dane and Sphynx rescues*, along with other breeds. Our fosters are owner surrendered pets and sometimes are pulled from the shelter. Once with us they are screened, rehabilitated, vetted, and fixed if not already altered when they arrive. This is all done with our own dime. We are NOT a 501c3! However we do know some. Please see our Facebook page for updates on our fosters and others that we may know of. (Y.C.C Danes)
* With rescues we can not guarantee health or a good disposition.
* With rescues we can not guarantee health or a good disposition.